2024-10-02 12:04:30 | Spiciberg (47.4N-18.5E,133cm) Good signal in west Hungary, except the frequencies 12226 and 12303, which are the same with the nordic beam and interferrating themselves.
2023-03-15 22:01:44 | Csőke György (44.7N-22.1E,140cm) 140cm Parabola antenna,Inverto LNB. No signal
2023-01-10 22:10:56 | lepointeur (61.7N-8.2E,100cm) ? https://fr.kingofsat.net/rec-oui.gif Signal bien recu , LNB Golden Média
2023-01-10 21:55:36 | lepointeur (-,0cm) ? Signal bien reçu - 100 cm
2020-07-26 18:19:10 | joseluye2 (39.9N-6W,100cm) ? Deseo saber si se recibe el Beam Italy en Madrid.
2019-07-17 10:29:03 | szandras (46.7N-24.1E,180cm) No signal 180cm Parabolic antenna with Inverto Black LNB
2016-08-25 14:14:07 | Lexzie (51.8N-4.6E,150cm) No signal 120cm Channel Master with Inverto Black Ultra LNB